To any business, ransomware means trouble. From operational disruption and revenue loss to total shutdown, it spares no aspect of the company. That’s why it’s wise to regularly back up your business data in multiple locations, including the cloud.
Windows 10 makes backing up files easy
Back up files securely with Windows 10
Businesses rely on computers for their daily operations, so succumbing to a ransomware attack is devastating. Ransomware blocks access to all data, which can result in financial losses and the company closing down temporarily or permanently. Fortunately, Windows 10 offers built-in tools and cloud storage options so you won’t have to fear data loss.
Windows 10 May 2019 Update’s best features
Back up files using Windows 10 tools
Tell Office 2016 and Office 365 apart
Effective online reputation marketing tools
You can easily measure any celebrity’s success by one thing: their reputation. Celebs with questionable track records tend to star in less movies and make less money. This same notion can be applied to your company. By investing in the creation of a well-liked and interactive online reputation, the chances of skyrocketing towards success is a mere hop, skip and a jump away.
10 Tools to help you get ahead in social media
Social media marketing can be time consuming. You may spend hours upon hours trying to get it right and still see little growth in your followers. So what can you do to be more effective and save time in the process? Here are ten tools that can streamline your social media efforts and even offer guidance.
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