How to reduce IT costs with thin and zero clients

If you want to save money on your IT system, one way to do so is by getting low-priced computer hardware. But that doesn't mean you should settle for cheap but old or low-end models. Instead, consider investing in thin or zero clients.
What are thin and zero clients?
Thin clients are stripped-down computers with minimum processing power and memory.

Protect your IoT system with the following rules

The Internet of Things (IoT) is quickly becoming an important tool for many businesses, as it allows enterprises to leverage the capabilities of the cloud and automation to maximize business potential. Learn how you can secure your IoT network with these tips:
Set passwords
Many users fail to realize that they can set passwords for IoT devices.

BYOD or CYOD: Which policy is better?

Most of us now rely on our mobile devices to make work easier. To accommodate this, companies are adopting a bring your own device (BYOD) policy. For businesses that don’t want to adopt this policy, another popular option is choose your own device (CYOD).

Below is a brief overview of BYOD and CYOD.
This policy allows employees to bring their own devices to the office and use them for work-related tasks.

Tips to keep your work computers clean

Leaving work PCs, tablets, and similar machines to accumulate dirt can lead to distractions, glitches, and worse, hardware failure. To avoid these situations, you must properly care for your employees’ work computers. Here are a few tips to keep them clean.