Businesses that use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems are at risk of theft of service, one of the most common types of VoIP fraud. Theft of service can impact an organization's VoIP network in several ways, including decreased call quality and increased costs.
Theft of service: The dark side of VoIP
Here’s how to benefit from VoIP’s on-hold messages
For many customers, being put on hold in a call can be annoying. Some may even get frustrated and just hang up. Instead of keeping your business’s callers waiting without anything to do, why not have them listen to useful information that keeps them engaged? With a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system, doing this is pretty simple.
5 Vital VoIP measures to implement
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is a flexible, scalable, and highly efficient communication solution that more and more modern businesses are relying on. However, a large user base makes VoIP an attractive cybercrime target, which means VoIP users face increasing risks.
Increase VoIP uptime with these tips
A reliable, efficient, and effective telecommunications system is critical to your ability to generate and nurture leads, communicate with vendors, and provide top-notch customer service. If that system were to break down, even for just a day, you could suffer significant losses in productivity, profits, and customer trust.
VoIP system costs that you should know about
Like all business components, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems have costs of ownership, or the direct and indirect costs accrued by a certain service or product. Understanding your VoIP’s total cost of ownership will help with your tech budgeting and more.
What you need to know about telephony DoS
Hackers launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks to render IT systems and networks inaccessible to intended users. Large corporations’ web servers used to be frequent targets, but nowadays, every business can become a victim. Hackers have also started launching attacks on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems.
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