Quick facts about virtualization and the cloud

Virtualization and cloud computing are sometimes mistaken as one and the same, causing much confusion. For the record, virtualization is different from cloud computing, but these two technologies usually overlap.

Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc.

Cloud computing or virtualization?

Should you migrate to the cloud or virtualize your server? Both approaches have benefits, but figuring out which one is right for your organization is another story. If you’re having trouble deciding which technology is the best choice for the future of your business, this article will help you figure it out.

5 virtualization platforms fit for SMBs

Virtualization allows you to eliminate dependency on physical hardware limitations and software requirements. Before you choose any one virtualization solution, it's a good idea to go over the different companies providing virtualization services. Below is a list of five popular vendors offering reliable virtualization platforms.

What is Virtualization as a DR solution?

Most business owners don’t think of Virtualization when talking about Disaster Recovery (DR). However, virtualization actually serves as an effective disaster recovery plan. Here’s a breakdown for those unfamiliar with how the one can serve as a reliable way of implementing the other.