How does end of support affect Windows users?

Windows 7 was one of Microsoft’s popular and best-loved operating systems (OS), and most of us are still using it. But like the OSs before it, Windows 7 will eventually reach the end of its lifecycle. Mainstream end of support for Windows came into effect on January 13, 2015, but extended support won’t end until January 14, 2020. Find out what this means for you.

How to avoid Spectre & Meltdown attacks

Hospitals and clinics have been storing confidential medical files and patient data in highly protected servers. But unless patches are being installed, Spectre and Meltdown attacks could undermine the security of healthcare providers.
Why is Spectre and Meltdown a big problem for healthcare providers?
Spectre and Meltdown are security flaws in computer chips that give hackers access to all data saved in the server, circumventing even encryption and multi-layered security systems.

Microsoft released security updates for all versions of Windows

Windows is the most widely used operating system in the world, and for this reason it is also the most frequently targeted platform for hackers. In an attempt to shut down cyber criminals before they can exploit vulnerabilities, Microsoft recently rolled out a new security patch that fixes several known bugs for all versions of Windows.

The latest WordPress release fixes major issues

Although WordPress is more secure than it used to be, outdated installations can be a potential threat to your website and the data that is hosted on the servers. In an attempt to shut down hackers before they can exploit vulnerabilities, the WordPress security team recently rolled out a new version that patches security loopholes and fixes several known bugs.