Here’s why your SMB needs a business continuity plan

A variety of untoward events can disrupt the operations of small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), including natural disasters or cyberattacks. These incidents can cause SMBS to lose revenue, or in some extreme cases, close permanently. Fortunately, having a concrete business continuity plan (BCP) in place will help your business recover quickly after a disaster.

Does your company have a business continuity plan (BCP)?

Do you know why some small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) succeed while others fail during the first five years of operation? Poor leadership is one reason, the lack of capital is another. Another big reason is they didn't prepare for major disruptions, such as natural disasters and cyberattacks, that can bring their business to a grinding halt.

BCP tactics to keep your business running

Whether your business is hit with a brief power outage or by a natural disaster, any kind of interruption to your organization’s productivity cuts into your profits. A business continuity plan (BCP) is critical to ensuring your organization stays open.

Stay in operation with these BCP strategies

Power outages, disasters and other disruptions happen. And thousands of businesses around the globe are affected by them every year, with lost profits ranging into the millions, if not billions. So how can your business protect itself and stay open when the unexpected strikes? Here are five common business continuity strategies that many companies rely on.


I'm sure many of you watched with amazement, and a bit of fear as did I this past weekend, as the snow just kept on falling in New York and other eastern states.  This latest weather phenomenon literally paralyzed most of the eastern seaboard and was severely felt in many surrounding states as well.


Natural and man made disasters and chaotic events underscore the challenges of  disaster recovery in the real world. Having a comprehensive business continuity plan isn't just an IT concern; though. Nothing less than the survival of your company is at stake.


Companies today face an unprecedented number of problematic occurrences. The frequency and severity of weather-related events seem to be increasing and reliance on a complex network of technology and supply chains is expanding. Both trends leave businesses vulnerable to a variety of existing and emerging risks.


When we think about potential disasters that could affect us both personally and professionally, it is common to picture the most dramatic of natural, flood, earthquake, tornadoes.  And absolutely, there is a distinct possibility that you will experience at least one of these natural disasters in your lifetime.

Best storm preparation is communication

There is nothing worse for a company and its customers than being forced to close because of inclement weather. And with winter almost upon us once again, now is a good time to make sure your business continuity plan is prepared for anything and everything mother nature is looking to throw your way.

LIFE TURNS ON A DIME…by d.Stringer

A friend of mine, Turner, lost his wife about a three years ago.  They had been high school sweethearts, and had married right after graduation.  They had been together, counting their marriage, over 50 years when she passed from cancer.  When she entered hospice, he never left her side.