As businesses of all sizes continue to adopt more apps and tools, the amount of available data grows exponentially. However, not all of that information is important or even useful. It’s critical that as you collect more data you keep it organized and relevant.
How to improve data collection practices
Best practices to maximize your CRM
Tips on adding value to your business data
6 CRM best practices you need to know
Most companies have customer relationship management (CRM) software to help them keep track of contact information and purchase history. But having a large database is worthless if you’re not using it to build long-lasting relationships. To keep existing clients coming back and bring new ones in, follow these CRM best practices.
Using big data to increase profit
Pushing the envelope, thinking outside the box, keeping someone in the loop. All of these phrases, and countless more, have had their turn in the corporate spotlight. Thankfully now, in most working environments, they have been consigned to history. However, one buzzword is making the rounds at the moment and - unlike some of its predecessors - it actually means something: here we take a look at “big data.
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