In several blogs now, we have discussed Social Engineering and other means of compromising security in this technical age.  While technological advancement has no doubt made life much more interesting and convenient, it has also caused much more danger and frustration.

“BEWARE OF THE WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING”…Further Exploration Into Social Engineering…by dStringer

Oh my goodness...!

Not too long ago, I wrote a "Social Engineering" blog that I thought was pretty detailed.  It discussed different types of "Social Engineering" in depth; warning signs and what steps to take if you feel you've been victimized.

It truly is the Wild West out there.


Internet usage is growing dramatically, but the vast majority of internet users don’t have any security backgrounds. Neither do a large majority of companies care about information security and the severity of any attack that could harm the valuable assets of these companies.

THIS IS NO JOKE…by dorothy stringer

Identity theft, social engineering, phishing,...these are all terms that are part of our life, whether you are aware or not.  We are so tied to our computer and the internet.  And even if you are not technically savvy, the world around you is, and because of that, your security is tied in with the world.