Dual monitors and their advantages

Certain things should always come in pairs: shoes, glasses and computer monitors. While many would agree on the first two, the third not so much. The idea of working with two monitors strikes many as unconventional. Though sticking to familiar territory feels safe, safety isn’t enough to run a successful business.

BSoD: what is it and how do I fix it?

If you’ve had some experience with a Windows PC, you are likely familiar with the unwanted Blue Screen of Death, also known as BSoD. This is a critical failure error that occurs when hardware or software is not working properly. The worst thing about it is that you could potentially lose the files you were working on in the process.

How to revive your old laptop

Spring is a time of new life. The buds on trees begin to blossom, baby duckling sightings become common, and that old laptop you stuffed in the back of your closet can be reborn...did we confuse you on that last one? Well, while Spring is usually thought of as a time for new life in nature, this year it can also be applied to technology - your laptop to be specific.

Geek speak decoded

Geek speak, tech talk, jargon or whatever you want to call it, computer terminology can be confusing. However, having a basic understanding of some of the words may be beneficial to the non-IT professional. Speaking a basic level of this language can help you clearly explain a computer problem you’re having, and even help you find the perfect technology for your next IT purchase.

Things to consider regarding your servers

Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub. That’s the sound of a beating heart, but it might as well be the sound your servers make. They more or less act as the heartbeat of your company and if they stop functioning, your business might as well be dead. Despite the importance servers have on operations, it’s amazing to see so many business owners neglect this vital component of their business.

HDD and SSD explained

Computer and laptop buyers today need to make a decision between getting either a solid state drive (SSD) or a hard disk drive (HDD) as a primary storage component for their device. But which one is the better choice? In this article we outline the differences between SSD and HDD, as well as the pros and cons of both, so you can make the right decision for your next purchase.